Tuesday, December 27, 2011


or is it Three Dog Night? These daschund-terrier mix mistakes of nature are umbilically connected and are the reincarnations of the evil stepsisters in Cinderella.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


kenzie pokes ellie in the eye, and ellie says, "Timing is everything". What was that?...

children of the corn


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Theeese eese strange dog, no?

Zee strange, strange dog. Vee both having the fun, when loud vife is making yell at me and video over. Not mean to dog. Nice to dog!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Hitchcock birds

the Swifts have moved in. These shots are from a dive-bombing session on our front porch, last week. There's four of them zipping around and squawking, while the resident Mockingbird is screeching, and sometimes a Grackle is also in the middle of this mess. It's bizarre. Now, the Swifts are federally protected and the Mockingbird has state protection, so that leaves the Grackle. I want the Grackle. Where's my rubber-bands? Yea, the THICK ones...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Flirting with Death

We had a recent brush with Death (Ded Bob) @ the Sherwood Forest Faire Ren-Fest (near Elgin). It's a new location on the circuit, and in its second year, it is the best I've seen yet. It's in Lost Pines, and has a wider variety of vendors, and more "characters" mixed in. And just an hour away, if you don't stop at Meyers or Southside Market in Elgin. Beats the Hell out of the Houston Ren-Fest, with its gangs and 3-foot tall frozen banana margaritas, and parking-from-Hell.

Below, see the Big-Bellied-Horse-boy. We waited around to see if he'd go in the mens room...Trish posted more shots on her fbook page. Click-on fattyman to link to sherwoodforestfaire.com

Friday, February 4, 2011

sometimes it's NOT a dog's life...

like when you are naked in the snow. Buddy is looking for higher ground on this Freeeaky Cold Friday morning. Earlier this week, it was swimsuit weather. Go Texas.

Friday, January 28, 2011

bad boys, bad boys. whatcha' gonna' do?

I found this tin-type in an antique mall. The photo is really dark, but a little Photoshopping brought out this motley crew who probably stepped out of the tavern for a quick shoot between drinks and cards. Check out the scoundrel second from the right, with the handfull of playing cards. Must have been up his sleeve. I'm guessing the date between 1890 and 1905 by the bowlers and handlebar mustaches (the two guys in the middle being dressed the same). Guy on the middle-left is standing like he's packin'. Guy on the left almost looks like a Canadian mountie. off duty, of course.